Wednesday, March 12, 2008

mccain catholics hagee

McCain loves: Catholics.
McCain loves: Hagee.
Hagee loves: not Catholics.
Catholics love: Hagee?
McCain loves: Muslims?
Rod Parsely loves: not Muslims.
McCain loves: Jews.
Hagee loves: not Jews.
Muslims love: Rod Parsely?

Jesus loves: all.

God is: love. (even the Pope says so)

Christian writers have generally described agape, as expounded on by Jesus, as a form of love which is both unconditional and voluntary. Tertullian, in his 2nd century defense of Christians remarks how Christian love attracted pagan notice: "What marks us in the eyes of our enemies is our loving kindness. 'Only look,' they say, 'look how they love one another'" (Apology 39). (w: link)

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