Wednesday, May 13, 2015

3 Christian Mistakes You Won't Believe You're Making

We make mistakes all the time, sure, but the point of our religion is love and forgiveness!  Still, you won't believe the simple ways you goof up -- and how easy it is to fix it.

1.  Forgetting that this is God's world

Yep, it's all His.  You're just walking through it -- or as they say, it's God's world, you're just living in it.  Remember with every step that you're playing in the Creator's sandbox.  The lives you take -- from mosquitoes to bacteria -- are His, not yours.

2.  Forgetting that you're a Steward of the World

It may be His world, but he made us the stewards of creation.  So love your neighbor, love the animals and plants, and love yourself as he does.  An impossible task?  So it may be -- but it's our duty, as good stewards, to try (and try and try!) to come closer to the love that gave us our existence.

3.  Consistency

So you're pro-life?  Or maybe you're pro-choice.  But are you consistent in your approach?  If you're pro-choice, focusing on the free will God gave us to decide the course of lives, then remember to honor other's freedom of choice as well.  Do as thou will shall be the whole of the Law, if the Law is under His Love.  But if you're pro-life -- be consistent.  Why are you needlessly taking life for food?  Do you support wars or executions?  Be consistent.

Finally, give yourself a break!  Love is all around us, we just have to awaken to it, forgive each other, and forgive ourselves.

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