Thursday, May 14, 2015

10 Things about Kabbalah that will Blow your Christian Mind!

Many people claim that Jesus worked with Kabbalah -- we can never know that for sure, but we do know that many Christians have used it for centuries. 

1. The Kabbalah is probably Jewish in origin, though it may have come out of the Jewish diaspora in Spain rather than the Middle East.

2.  Kabbalah acts as a 'map' of the universe and of our consciousness. 

3. From Creator, to the Created, the different 'spheres' suggest different attributes of the cosmos.

4.  Kanye, Kardashian, Snoopy, Hooplah, Rick Moranis, Jay-Z, Ben Affleck, Laura Dern, Bill Joy, John Cage, Deshimaru, Clark Kent, Maya Rudolph, Tina Fey, Mary Magdalene, Hillary Clinton, Rand Paul: I know of no evidence that any of these people have worked with Kabbalah.

5. Sometimes it's spelled Qaballah or Qabbalah or Qu-Ball (by those in the know).  "I'm just going down to play some Q-ball with my friends, see you later".

6 & 7. This is not a toy. 

8.  Jesus might have said to play Q-ball, but this saying wasn't recorded at the time.

9.  The Ninth sphere has to do with the Moon and imagination.

10.  The tenth sphere is the farthest (and closest?) to the first -- Creator and Created may seem far, but are always connected.

Pray about it with your pastor today.

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