Sunday, August 31, 2008

ramadan, lent

I went into my favorite spot for Lebanese food this evening, picked up some maza and falafel to go. Tomorrow starts Ramadan, shopkeep said, so there'll be a special evening menu throughout the month. We chatted for a bit. His mom is Muslim, his dad Christian. He fasts for Ramadan and Lent. I feel such affection for Islam during Ramadan. May we all break our fasts together one day, En'shallah.

Some Ramadan blogs:

this green and pleasant land

I was dismayed to read in Dave Evans’ recent book “The History Of British Magick After Crowley” a section in which he doubted the sources of Kenneth Grant’s fascinating discoveries of a form of Oriental black magick known as Ku. The gist of Evans’ argument was that he had contacted the University of Pennsylvania (from where Grant stated the Journal was published) and that they had never heard of the journal that Grant mentions in Hecate’s Fountain . So I decided to do a search myself. The journal and article is referenced at the back of a number of Grant’s books – as attributed to two authors: Shyrock and Feng. After a small amount of ‘googling’, I am delighted to say the article not only exists, but that the secretary of the American Oriental Society was kind enough to furnish me with a pdf of the article. Rather than freely disseminate the pdf, which would be doing a disservice to the AOS, I would suggest anybody with a real interest in obtaining a copy can email me and I'll provide details on how to obtain the journal article.'

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Borg: a way, the way

Christianity as "a way": Marcus Borg (via apprising). "The cross is both personal and political."

Song of Songs

Text analysis homonculi of poetry is at
Here is The Song of Songs.

It's not all just sex, but it is mighty sensual.